How pollution affects to the ozone layer

How pollution affects to the ozone layer?

Hey Bloggers!😆 Today let´s gonna talk about a topic that affects at everyone us daily: the ozone layer. Why I choose that topic? I choose it because that environmental problem (what we caused us) every time affects us more and we do not do anything to stop this problem. So my objective is to make people reflect about the problems that lead their destruction.

What is the ozone layer?

Reflection, Dramatic, Sky, Clouds is a protective layer of the atmosphere that allows reserve live on the earth and a shield that protect us from the ultraviolet radiation, that comes from the sun. It is made of ozone.

What causes her destruction?

Halocarbons cause the destruction of the atmospheric ozone at as faster rate than natural. As the layer becomes thinner, the earth loses protection before ultraviolet radiation, the release of these elements in the atmosphere continue, maintaining the destruction of the ozone layer, which exacerbates this problem more and more.
The chemical elements that we use daily and the industries release gases that are harmful to the layer, one example of these gases are the chlorofluorocarbons or cfc.
Emanates cfc the: refrigerators, freezers, air conditioning systems, aerosol sprays and synthetic foams.

What are the consequences of the destruction of the ozone layer?

The ultraviolet rays that reach the terrestrial surface, produces damages in the environment and harms the health of the human species.
Cataracts, blindness, skin cancer and the decrease of the inmune system are examples of the consequences that ultraviolet rays can produce in  the human body.
The least developed countries are the most affected. Animals and plants also suffer consequences due to lack of ozone layer.

Things that we can do to delay the destruction of  the ozone layer:

Spread the message.

       2. Choose products that do not contain cfc.

       3. Throw or repair refrigerators and air conditioners without precaution

       4. Do not use pesticides that contain methyl bromide.


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